Global Congress on Vaccines and Antibiotics 2024

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We are thrilled to introduce the hybrid format for the “Global Congress on Vaccines and Antibiotics” scheduled to take place from October 24th to 25th, 2024.

This HYBRID EVENT allows you to participate as In person at Montreal, Canada or Virtually from your home or workplace.

Dedicated to the theme of “Championing Progress in the Evolution and Development of Vaccines,” this global summit will unite prominent experts from across the globe. This includes researchers, scientists, academicians, immunologists, healthcare professionals, public health experts, pharmacists, clinicians, government representatives, and industry leaders.

GVC 2024 aims to illustrate how vaccination significantly enhances health worldwide at all stages of life, creating connections between people, aspirations, and cherished moments.
We eagerly anticipate your participation in GVC 2024.

This event promises not only to expand the horizons of your profession but also to open doors to prospects, novel cultural experiences, and a global outlook.

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