9th Santorini Conference

Chargement Évènements

The Santorini Conference Series have been founded in 2000 on the initiative of Professor Gerard Siest (┼, INSERM UMR U1122; IGE-PCV, University of Lorraine, Nancy, France,pin memory of Gerard Siest) and several representatives of industrial companies with the intention to create an independent and open platform to mediate “translation” in personalised medicine.

With a Steering Committee (SC) and a Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) with members across academia, clinics and industry, the 9th Santorini Conference aims to facilitate scientific exchange between basic research, industrial research and medical areas. The conference has been maintained and strengthened by a sustainable and clearly visible new concept with respect to content, structure, economy and people.

The title is dealing with Greek mythology in the spirit of the island and of thematic obstacles to resolve and overcome:

Systems Medicine, Personalised Health & Therapy. “The Odyssey from Hope to Practice” with a special focus on “cardio-metabolic diseases and cancer”.


The scientific programme also includes 1 session with young researchers’ lectures. The 2 best posters will be granted with “Gerard Siest” awards.

The 9th Conference aims to answer:

  • Can genetic screening help identify individuals at greatest risk for cardio-metabolic diseases and cancer?
  • What is the greatest clinical need with regard to diagnosis, prediction and patient stratification for these pathologies and how this is/can be addressed?
  • Does a genetic risk score identify patients at highest risk and is its use justified in clinical practice?
  • What are the challenges of the current clinical trials?
  • What about comorbidities with aging?
  • What is the impact of pharmacogenomics on:
  • Deliverance of more predictable responses to drug therapy
  • Minimisation of the occurrence and severity of adverse drug reactions
  • Conduction of more cost-effective clinical trials
  • Drug discovery and the drug development process
  • Do the existing diagnostic tools answer the needs of pharmacogenomics?

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