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20th Annual Drug Discovery Summit 2019

300 delegates representing leading biotech companies, global pharmaceutical organisations and internationally renowned academic institutions
Over 55 presentations, case studies and panel discussions focused on the key issues in drug discovery and medicinal chemistry

20th Annual Drug Discovery Summit:

  • Day 1 Stream 1: Drug Discovery Innovation and Strategies
  • Day 1 Stream 2: Successful Phenotypic Drug Discovery and Other High Content Screening Tools
  • Day 2 Stream 1:
    – PART 1: Biologics and Small Molecule Drug Target Discovery for Immuno-Therapy, Autoimmune Diseases and Oncology
    – PART 2: NEW FOR 2019! The Role of the Microbiome and Natural Products In Drug Discovery
  • Day 2 Stream 2:
    – PART 1: Lead Identification and Discovery ADMET
    – PART 2: Innovation in Genome and Cell Based Drug Discovery


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