11th World Congress on Cell & Tissue Science

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11th World Congress on Cell & Tissue Science is organized by Conferenceseries LLC and will be held during May 14 – 15, 2018 at Tokyo, Kanto, Japan. We cordially invite all the participants who are interested in sharing their knowledge and research in the arena of Cell and Tissue Science and its Current Research.

This conference will bring together world-class personalities working on stem cells, cell therapy, organ regeneration, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine to discuss materials-related strategies for disease remediation and tissue repair. Bone and Cartilage Tissue Engineering, Tooth regeneration, Biological tissue substitution, organ regeneration, tissue regeneration and care a special focus along with applying basic science and engineering principles from diverse areas towards solving clinically relevant biomedical problems. The main theme of the conference is “Advancement and Challenges Long Held on Cell and Tissue Science”.

This conference presents information regarding cutting-edge developments in all areas of tissue engineering, stem cell research, regenerative medicine , tissue culture and tissue preservation research including the biology, medicine, applications, and regulations of cell and tissues. Topics of discussion include recent developments in pre-clinical and clinical trials of cell and tissue therapy, regenerative medicine and tissue engineering, cancer stem cells, immunotherapy, cell and organ regeneration, Tissue preservation and dental stem cells.

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